Just deployed the Blackjack game to heroku and this marks the end of TeaLeaf Academy first course - Introduction to Ruby and Web Development.
I started the program on Oct 26th, 2014 and it took me exactly one month to complete the course. I wouldn’t say it’s a hard course, but absolutely not easy. It has been such a great experience for me that I would highly recommend.
For future reference, I will list what I have done and learnt here.
Github repos
Paper Rock Scissors - Procedural and OOP
Tic Tac Toe - Procedural and OOP
Madlibs - Procedural
Blackjack - Procedural, OOP and Sinatra version
Concepts and tips to note
Namespace is a way to group classes in Ruby and differentiate from other classes with the same name.
To remove a directory with files inside,
rm -R dir
.Use pry to debugging.
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OOP introduction from zetcode.com.
There are so manny more to write that I will put them in separate blogs.